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5 Christmas brochures to spark creativity this festive season « Back to list

Brochures and folded leaflets are a vital marketing tool in a world where we are constantly seeking more information. Of course we have the internet to answer all our questions; however there is something valuable in tangible information that will provide your customer with a personal touch. This is never more important than at Christmas time, a time when consumerism is at an all time high and people are seeking something a little extra.

Below, we take a look at some great examples of brochures that give that little bit extra at Christmas time.

1. Always the real thing:

 Santaa(Image source: Strong Media)

Coca Cola manages to perfectly infuse an old nostalgic theme with a modern twist in this Christmas brochure. It’s distinctly Coca-Cola with a great colour scheme because it includes their own brand colours and incorporates traditional Christmas colours like gold and green. The iconic Santa is seen on all pages, which both older and younger people will relate too. There is great use of space in the brochure, as we can see on the left hand side through a small game. The white text used is readable and again, it is in line with Coca Cola branding.

2. Tradition:

 Christmas Brochure(Images source: Lacebey Manor)

Christmas is a wonderfully traditional time of the year. Colour schemes and traditional shapes are always a favourite amongst consumers because much like in brochure number 1, it evokes nostalgia. The above brochure captures tradition beautifully yet it is not predictable or boring. The gold is not a traditional gold and the artworks presented are modern creations.

3. Themed Brochures:

Christmas theme(Image source: Middlesbrough Council)

Just because your brochure is Christmas orientated doesn’t mean it cannot incorporate a theme. The theme above works around a Christmas circus theme and it works very well. The use of a theme in a Christmas brochure can help avoid any kind of monotonary. This brochure is particularly creative and the illustrations are quirky, quaint and will appeal to both adult and child.

4. Images that work:

Poundland(Image source: Poundland)

Using a Christmas brochure to sell your product is a competitive business. Poundland have entered our favourite Christmas brochures list because they do this so very well. The product information given on the right hand side is clean, clear and concise which is everything you would expect to see from a brochure. On the left hand side however, Poundland have put all their products to action and created something beautiful. Every two pages of the brochure is colour themed with different colours that focuses the product in different rooms throughout the home. This appeal to our imagination, the images are warm, colour coordinated and effective.

5. Shape & Function:

 Star1(Image source: Entheosweb)

Here in the Digital Printing world, we are lovers of all things original. The above is a fun, innovative and an appropriate brochure shape for the season of Christmas. Whilst there is not a wealth of information on the brochure, it’s a great concept that wouldn’t look out of place on a mantelpiece.

If you’re thinking about printing a brochure or a leaflet, or simply want some help on printing advice, contact us today. Connect with us on Facebook and Twitter to keep up to date with all the latest news here at Digital Printing.