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5 Reasons your business will benefit from posters « Back to list

Posters are an excellent method of advertising and marketing for all businesses. They are versatile – working inside and outside and they’ll over you plenty of space for creativity. But that’s not all; posters are fast becoming a popular way to get your message to the people who matter most for a number of reasons. In today’s blog post – we take a look at reasons your business will benefit from printing posters.

5 reasons your business will benefit from posters

1. Size & space

Have something important to say? Want to shout from the roof tops? Well, a poster will offer you this space. You can choose from a selection of outdoor posters – which are generally larger in size, or if you’d like to deliver your message inside, smaller indoor posters are a great way to do this. Delivering your message in an effective and original message isn’t always easy. A poster offers you a great amount of creative space; you’ll be free from any creative constraints. At Digital Printing, we hate to limit you so we can print your customised size or up to 10 standard sizes. Hamock

2. Keeping your poster

If you want to print for a special occasion – like Christmas, posters are a great way to do this. And, as a big bonus – you don’t have to reprint again next year (of course, you can if you want too).  Or, if you are printing for everyday use – your poster (when stored and displayed correctly) is a durable and affordable investment.

3. Clarity and quality

At Digital Printing, our HP inkjet printers deliver rich and distinctive colours which offer sharp quality. This means that your poster will never look cheap, and the quality will never be compromised. And there’s more… we offer posters on 170gsm poster paper and top quality 200gsm Photo Satin paper for even clearer image detail.

4. Locations and an active response

Placing your poster is a location will allow people to actively engage with it. Whether they are standing at a bus stop or lining up at the local nightclub, your customers are likely to notice posters out of sheer boredom and curiosity. A clever poster will have a call-to-action phrase that will allow the viewer (and your potential customer) to take action as soon as possible. This could be in the form of making a phone call, visiting a shop or visiting your website.

5. Offers and promotions

Posters are an effective way to promote a special offer or promotion in your business, again – this can be outside or inside. You’ll have the space to say what you’d like and attract customers outside – and inside, you can also draw customers attention using an indoor poster. Big sale Are you thinking of printing some posters or other promotional material? If so, contact us for any advice or help with printing questions. In addition, you can keep up with all printing and industry news by following us on Facebook and Twitter.

Date Published: 20/11/2014
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