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Effective brochure printing « Back to list

Don’t make these common brochure mistakes

Printed BrochuresWe might live in a digital age, but printed brochures are still one of the most popular and effective ways to get your message, brand, products and services into the marketplace. Brochures work and that’s one of the reason’s they’re so popular. At we print a huge amount of brochures for all sorts of customers and we know a thing or two about what works – and what doesn’t.

If you want your brochure to serve its purpose and work effectively to increase sales, grow your company profile and give the right impression of your business, there are a few pitfalls you need to avoid:

Don’t blow your cover
The cover is the first impression people have of your brochure. Get this wrong and no one will even open it. If you’re using a picture on the cover, make sure it’s a great image that’s sharp and clear. Don’t clutter your cover with too many images or graphics and don’t use too much text. Keep it short and keep it simple. Use a great headline or image that will entice readers to find out more. You never get a second chance to make a first impression so make sure your cover looks great.

Don’t DIY
If you’re not a designer, bring in someone who is. If writing isn’t a strong point, find a copywriter. Poor design and badly written content will cheapen your brochure and your business. When it comes to brochure printing, paying professionals is money well spent. A brochure that’s well designed with good, well written content will more than pay for itself many times over.

Don’t use low-resolution images
Any images you use must be 300dpi resolution at the size they’ll appear in your brochure. Images that look fine on screen may not be good enough for print and if the resolution is too low they’ll look blurred, soft and pixelated. Make sure all the pics you use are sharp and clear. If you’re not sure about your images, visit the support section of our website or contact our expert print team for advice.

Don’t scrimp on print quality
At customers know that our excellent prices certainly don’t mean we compromise on quality. We only print on top of the range HP Indigo presses that produce the best digital print in the marketplace. And we print brochures only on premium quality paper. A cheap brochure or one that’s printed on poor quality paper will turn people off your business. Have a look at our website to see the extensive range of papers we supply and to see some great examples of brochures we’ve printed for our customers.

Consider folds
Tri-fold brochures is a popular way to design, print and fold a brochure. The ‘tri’ in tri-fold printing refers to the number of panels, not folds. The brochure can be unfolded to showcase the content within. Tri-fold brochures are tempting to open; thus making them suitable for marketing campaigns. Other options for brochure folding include half-fold, roll-fold, and z-fold.

Our website gives more information on brochure printing, lets you get an instant quote and order your brochure online. The quote and ordering process is really easy to follow so you can check all your options quickly and order your job easily. Then you can relax while we print your brochures and deliver them where and when you need them. Our website also shows the full range of printed marketing products available so visit or contact our experienced team of expert printers today!

Author: DigitalPrinting
Date Published: 13/07/2017
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