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Maximising your space to stand out at an exhibition « Back to list

Last month we looked at how the Curvorama can really help you stand out. Standing out and making potential customers take notice of at an exhibition is something that can take many organisations years to master. As the saying goes, ‘practice makes perfect’, and this is so true in relation to exhibitions. The more exhibitions, conferences and trade shows that you can attend, the more comfortable you will be in creating that magic formula that works for your company and brand.

The big challenge at any exhibition is getting visitors to stop by your stall and see what your team has to say (or sell to them).

Exhibition Roll Up Banner Stands - Digital Printing

How is this done?

Well there are lots of ways to do this including running competitions, giving out free merchandise (a tablet giveaway always seems to work well), giving out some free sweets or even giving out some samples of your product. While some of these concepts can work well, they don’t suit every organisation and they are not always going to get you a customer who is entirely interested in your product or service (did that iPad winner really sign up because they were interesting in your brand or did they just want the chance to win an iPad!).

There are many ways to stand out at an exhibition but we think there are two factors that are often forgotten by organisations.

1. Getting the design of your banner stand right.

2. Maximising your floor space.

We have previously looked at the less is more approach to getting the design of your banner stand right and this is only the first part to making an impression at an exhibition. Maximising your floor space is something many companies forget as they aim to cram as much into the one area as possible. For many people the thought process is one of – ‘ I’ve paid for this space so I may as well use it all.’ This is something we would strongly advise against and encourage adopting a similar approach to that of the banner stand design – less is more.

Many exhibitors can struggle to make an impact at exhibitions because they struggle to use their floor space effectively. Don’t pay for a large shell space if you aren’t able to fit it. A small space can be just as effective and can often give the impression to visitors that there is plenty happening at your stand.

The following three examples are just some of the ways in which you can maximise space at an exhibition.

1. Use the right banners:

If you have a small space at an exhibition then don’t fill your whole space with one big banner display just because you think it looks colourful and great and is all singing and dancing. You need to remember that you may need somewhere to put a table and space to showcase your product. If you are pushed for space then roll up banner stands are a great way to promote your offering while taking up little floor space. They are also easy to transport which is another bonus.

Roll Up Banner Stand - Digital Printing

2. Integrate your product into your display:

If you are worried about your product getting noticed then try to incorporate it into your display. This will allow you to maximise your floor space and ensure that visitors can look at your product and feel it when they are at your stand. If you offer a service then make sure that your sales team can be the focal point and they get as much floor space as possible to help sell your business and your services.

3. Don’t go into product overload:

One thing that can happen all too often at exhibitions is exhibitors trying to oversell something. Don’t get distracted by the idea of getting all your products on display. As we previously explained, less is more so be sure to let one or two products be the star of the show and have plenty of promotional material on hand to help promote anything else you may do. An exhibition is about generating leads and sales for your business and also promoting your business to new prospects. Do this by focusing on your main business message or offering and ensure you don’t get lost among the noise.

For more information on standing out and maximising the space at your next exhibition, view our range of products that can help you create an even greater impact and be your silent salesperson.

Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ and share your exhibition experiences with us. What do you always ensure your stand has and what do you try to avoid.